Well Done to the Class of 2022
Friday, 20 January 2023 saw the class of 2022 reunite on the Bloemendal House steps to receive their results. Once again our leavers made us proud.

100% Pass rate 90.5% Bachelors pass 63 As & 71 Bs in total Top Achievers 7 As Marzuq Sirkhoth including 3 subjects above 90% 6 As Zara van der Merwe including 2 subjects above 90% 5 As Zahra Salie, Salman Sirkhoth 4 As Afreen Alli, Zoe Jones, Samanth Turkstra, Kai van Niekerk Lisolesizwe Sonjica, including 1 subject above 90% 3 As Mikayla Yeo 2 As Zahra Ismail, Anda Layiti, Hannah Lewis, Brigid Lynch, Emma October