OG News
Brian Johnson (OG 1957) visited Cape Town in the early part of 2018. Brian gave the keynote speech at the 150 Celebration Gala Dinner at Kelvin Grove in 1998. Now living in the USA New York State, Brian writes a regular blog and has written four memoirs - all available on Amazon!
Brians blog: www.johnnycomet.blogspot.com
David Clements (OG 1963) visited Cape Town and his old school in August 2018 with his wife Wendy. It was great to show David around the campus and how the school has grown and developed. David now lives in China and is teaching English. For David the visit to his old school evoked many happy and wonderful memories.
Christopher Steytler (OG 1966) after completing a Law Degree at UCT he emigrated to Western Australia and had a distinguished career as a judge in the supreme court. He also received the Order of Australia for advancement in Human Rights Law.
Peter Hill (OG 1978) has returned to South Africa after living in Australia for the past 14 years. He is now based in Onrus. Welcome home Peter.
Michael (Mike) Soule (OG 1986) is currently residing in Hervey Bay, Qld Australia about 4 hours north of Brisbane. Mike works as a Job Development Officer trying to get people with disabilities into mainstream employment. St George’s still holds a special place in Mike’s life.
Ian Gail (OG 1960) recently shared an update of recent happenings in his life. In 2017 Ian and his wife Sue moved from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Charlotte, South Carolina to follow his grand kids. After 38 years in Florida the move to the “Bible belt” has been a bit of an adjustment. Having retired from residential and commercial property development, Ian has kept busy by running a classic sports car parts and race/rally gear internet store.
Congratulations to Shaun February (OG 2009) for recently been appointed Rugby Co-ordinator - Maties Rugby at Stellenbosch University. Well done on the appointment and for keeping the SGGS flag flying high.
Zahier Abader (OG 2017) has lunched his own media company ZahrMedia (www.zahrmedia.co.za). With his passion for video, photography and media we know that he will go from strength to strength. With some high profile clients and a vision to unlock local business and public figures potential, he is set for great things.
Recently Zahier gave very generasly of his time to shoot some of the school marketing material and is working on a YouTube channel involving the school Tech Crew.
Ilyaas Amien (OG 2015) founded Tutonic in June 2016, a free online tution for all South Africans. Developed by UCT students, Tutonic was created to provide free and quality maths support to high school students. Ilyaas, a medical student, has a desire to reach out and help all students that are seeking more understanding, help and tutoring in Maths. Visit Tutonic at www.tutonic.org
Keelan Nieuwstadt (OG 2014) captained the only team from Cape Town to qualify for the 2018 Red Bull Box Cart Race held in Sandton. After an 8 year absence the race is back in South Africa with one of the steepest courses. Keelan and his team “Brasse Vannie Kaap” created a sussesful media following leading up to the race. Well done to him and the team for this achievement of passion. Out of 72 teams “Brasse” placed in the top 20.
Click here to watch the Expresso Show interview.
Catherine Whibley (OG 1996) now lives in Leeds, UK with her partner Dan, where she has a wonderful job with PA Consulting who deal in high level computer systems. Catherine and Dan will be traveling to Venice to celebrate her 40th birthday on Saturday, 9 February.
Photo of Catherine, her partner Dan and his parents.
Graham Dods (Former Headmaster 1966 - 1984) at the age of 91 went bungy jumping off the Blaauwkrans Bridge. This achievement was recorded on the front page of the Hermanus Times and with a YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enn9DOj4MrI
Brian Clewly Johnson (OG 1957) has published his memoirs titled “A Cape Town Boy”. Now available on Amazon.
Paul Barrett-Smith (OG 1963) recently made contact. Paul now lives on the Gold Coast in Australia.
George Savides (OG 1964) recently visited his old school. Meeting up with the Headmaster Mr J Cameron, he went for a short tour of the campus and reminised about his time as a boarder.
Edward (OG 1954) and Raymond Davies (OG 1966) are both in good spirits. Edward and Raymond both live in London. Edward comes back home for a few weeks each year. It is great to hear the Raymond is still in contact with fellow Georgians and teachers - Graham Baragwanath and Tony Rudd.
Pieter Staal (OG 1969) is still practcing as a consultant in the HR and Labour Relations field. Intersting to note that he and his family are very musical. He makes “cajons” which is a box drum with his son who also makes didgeridoos and his older son plays the guitar and writes songs.
Duncan Dollman (OG 1972) was part of the final Matriculating class to be taught at the old Sir Herbert Baker build in the CBD next to St George’s Cathedral. The class of 1972 has quite a few prestigious accomplishments from a Mathematical Sciences and Astonomy professor at UNISA ot a Grammy Award winning film composer living in the USA.
Alberto Massimo (OG 1980) resently made contact with his old school and the Old Georgian Union office. Alberto now loves in Edinburgh, Scotland where he is Music Director of the Edinburgh Chamber Orchestra. His career as an international recitalist and orchestral conductor has taken him from Vienna to Rome.
Alberto left South Aftica after university wher he was taught by Dr Barry Smith while doing his B.Mus at UCT. Alberto became Pontifical Organist for Pope John Paul II.
Alberto is looking to get in contact with fellow classmates of the class of 1980 (albertomassimopad@icloud.com)
Dr Rafiq Dhansay (OG 1985) has recently relocated back to Cape Town and his older child is currently in our Preparatory School.
Sean Peché (OG 1988) visited Cape Town in July with his family. Sean was Head Boy in 1988. He is seen here with his children Anthony and Jenna, and with Wendy and Paul Cannon (Headmaster 1984 - 1997). His wife Marilyn took the photo.
The Cannons put him in touch with the deputy Head Boy of 1988, Nick Eaton who lives in San Francisco with his wife and two children.
Patrick Coyne (OG 1948) is still publishing at the age of 86. His latest book “The Flying Lady” is a collection of his prize winning short stories. His travel book “A Guild to South Africa’s Mountain Passes and Poorts” is still selling well across South Africa. - www.patrickcoyne.co.za
Congratulations to Jody Abrahams (OG 1991) for his nomination doe Best Actor in a TV Drama at the 2018 SAFTAs (South African Fil and Television Awards) for his roll as Benny Jacob’s in SABCs Hard Copy.
Well done on the nomination and we are holding thumbs for you to take the award.
The SAFTSs take place on Thursday, 22 March 2018 and broadcast on SABC 2.
Andrew Donnelly (OG 1994) has been living in South Manchester for 10 year now.
Somon Hodson (OG 2004) has moved back to Cape Town after 10 years in Europe working and studying. He now works for Liberty Life.
Christopher Maqashu (OG 2009) is a freelance writer for a sports magazine and website but plans to study further.
Michelle Avenant (OG 2009)has graduated from Rhodes University with a Bachelor of Journalism.
Matthew Legg (OG 2009) achieved first place in his Business Science degree at UCT in 2013 and was placed in the top Honours Roll in the final CA (Chartered Accountant) 2016 examination in Southern Africa.
Junaid Khan (OG 2014) is studying towards B Comm (Financial Accounting) degree at UWC and his brother, Waseem Parker (OG 2012) is doing a B Sc degree at UCT.
Kieran Legg (OG 2007): received the following three media24 Lifestyle Excellence Awards at their 2017 award ceremony:
Journalist of the Year
Specialist Editor of the Year
Specialist Editor: Health & Wellness
The above all in his role as Features Editor for Men’s Health.
Shaun February (OG 2009) has been appointed to the position of Match Secretary for the Wester Province Rugby Union.
Antaya March (OG 2013) took a gap year in 2014 and completed her BSc in Marine Biology at UCT last year. Antaya finished top of her class in the course and is off to the Caribbean for some work experience.
Jared Harley (OG 2014) has received the prestigious Allan Gray Scholarship and has enrolled at the University of Stellenbosch.
Recent University of Stellenbosch graduates
Farrah Dove (OG 2009) LLB (PG)
Nadine Dove (OG 2009) B Comm (Hons)
Carlo McConney (OG 2011) B Comm (Actuarial Science)
Ebrahim Camroodien (OG 2011) completed a degree in architecture at CPUT and is working at a firm of architects in Cape Town.
Ayesha Camroodien (OG 2012) completed her Honours degree in Actuarial Sciences at UCT last year and will register for her Masters this year. In her final year Ayesha was lectured by Old Georgian Logan Standaar (OG 2007).
Lauren Hess (OG 2012) completed a PPE degree (Politics, Philosophy and Economics) at Stellenbosch and followed this with an Honours degree in International Relations (cum laude). She has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and is currently studying a Masters degree in Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington DC.
Ganief Williams (Matric 2013) completed his engineering degree at CPUT and is now working near Saldhana.
Valerie March (OG 2013) completed her Honours degree in Micro Biology at UCT. Valerie was among the top achievers in her class and is hoping to pursue a Masters degree in the USA.
Robin Visser (OG 2014) won a Bronze Medal in a Computer Programming Olympiad in Kazakhstan in 2016.
Robin Visser (far left) led the S.A. team at the International Computer Olympiad in August 2016. The team returned with having gained much experience and making new friends.
Robin has also recently completed his BSc degree in Mathematics at UCT with 100% in Maths III. He is now registered for an Honours degree at Stellenbosch University.
Ameerah Camroodien (OG 2014) is working towards a BSc with majors in Chemistry and Physics at UCT.
Nick Leon (OG 2014) has been invited to join the UCT Golden Key Society.
David Bechus (OG 2015) helped produced a video for the school in 2016, which captured elements of the Strategic Planning process that the school had undertaken. David is curently studing film making at AFDA.
Zaakir Ibrahim (OG 2015) is now in his third year at UWC reading for a BCom (Economics) degree.
John Spengler (OG 2015) is studying towards a Law degree at the University of the Free State and was recently admitted to the Golden Key International Honour Society.
Mike Martin (OG 1966) moved to Melbourne July 2012 with his wife and is now retired. He still plays drums and sings in an Indi band as well as for the Church on Sundays. Mike works with Kids Hope started by World Vision teaching drums and percussion to kids at risk.
Nigel Palmer (OG 1966) recently made contact with his old school and the Old Georgian Union office. He is well and lives in Hout Bay.
Kevin Stuart (OG 1975) recently made contact with the Old Georgian Union office. Kevin and his brother attended St George’s in the 1970’s. He now lives in Scotland and plans to come back to South Africa one day.
Rob Aspin (OG 1983) now lives in Singapore is married with two children aged 9 and 14. After leaving St George’s he studied at Rhodes, (BComm), then UCT to do BComm Honours and Masters. Spent time in the UK and Bahrain.
Neil Connell Kiewitt (OG 1994) is currently residing in Cape Town after a while away.
Kirk Hill (OG 2008) graduated from the University of Stellenbosch with a BA (Humanities)
Nteneng Meleko (OG 2008) received her MB, ChB from the University of Stellenbosch
Kaylin Oakes (OG 2010) and I bumped into Kayln and the Matric class of 2014 on the steps of the Cathedral early this year. She is now studying law at UWC.
Justin Alberty (OG 2009) moved to the US at the end January and is doing well. He hopes to visit SA soon.
Jeremy Walker (OG 1971)
Thank you to Jeremy for sharing this image with the OGU Office.
Mark Lindhorst (Lindhorst wines), Anthony Pike (New York local yocal - been living there for 30+ years), Jeremy Walker (Grangehurst Winery)
Jeremy and Mark and the families see each other a few times a year, but it was the first time Mark, Anthony and Jeremy had seen each other since 1971 - a 39 year gap!!!
Jason Van Der Westhuizen (OG 2011) is making waves, air waves that is. He has landed a spot on GoodHope FM, guest DJing. He also DJed at Hanover Street club at Grand West Casino for the month of July.
Kelly Widelko (OG 2011) has spent 2012 working and plans on studying Occupational Therapy in 2013.
Timothy Mayers (OG 2011) has just come off a lead role in a resent production of “BUS” by the
Millerton players. He has also been accepted to the Woodstock School of Animation for 2013.
Lee-Ann Mars (OG 2010) is presently studying a Bachelor in Social Science (BSSc) majoring in Politics, Public Administration and is hoping to add and complete a triple major being Sociology at UCT.
Simba Chavunduka (OG 2011) has been awarded an Academic scholarship by San Angelo State University and has also been awarded an Academic and International Scholarship from Abilene Christian University, Texas to study Information Systems and then go onto Intellectual Property Law.
He will be leaving mid August 2012.
David Bosch (OG 2011) is presently at UCT in his second semester of Chemical Engineering.
Idris Jones (OG 1955) earlier this year popped in for a visit. He now lives in Napier.
Dr John Maltas (OG 1956) managed to catch up with Edward Davies (OG 1956) late last year at the Royal Society in London. John is enjoying his well-earned retirement. He recently returned from a trip to Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.
Ian Gail (OG 1960) in December, 1998, Ian bought a heap of rust and such (three old wasp nests under the dash!) that thought it might be a 1967 Austin-Healey 3000. He made this rash decision in search of a new hobby. Well, to cut a 12-year long story muchshorter; with the help of a friendly mechanic, he restored the car to the point where it came second out of nine other big Healeys at a British classic car show. While at the car show, Ian was approached by two Brazilians who “showed interest in buying my car. Again, cutting a longish story short, we agreed a price that about covered my cost and the car is, hopefully, now driving around a sunny Sao Paulo on Sunday afternoons.” Suffering from a bad case of "seller's remorse", Ian started scouring the media for a replacement car. Ian now has two 1967 Austin-Healey 3000, Mark lll, Phase ll's! Both are in remarkable condition, i.e. one almost as new and the other possibly better that new!
Peter Abrahamson (OG 1965) is living in St Francis Bay, Eastern Cape on a small holding with his wife Diana. In November this year they will have been married 39years.
Tony Comacho (1965) is now retired and living in Sydney with his wife Marilyn.
Peter Hamp-Adams (1965) lives in Knysna and occasionally travels between Cape Town and Knysna. He runs a practice as a Certified Financial Planner and collects antiques as a hobby. Peter is also an active member of the St George’s Grammar School Board of Governors.
Alan Lindhorst (1966) moved from full time ministry into the funeral profession. He runs Constantiaberg Funeral Home in Kenilworth, and offers a good discount to Old Georgians and their families if they (eventually) need his services.
Mike Martin (OG 1966) still happily settled in Auckland on the North Shore, his eldest daughter and her fiancé have recently moved to Victoria Australia. Mike now works for Constellation Wines in charge of export to the USA, Europe and Australia.
Gavin Lindhorst (1969) moved from dentistry to breeding Alpacas in Wellington
Noel Percival (OG 1969) paid his contemporaries a visit. He spent a week in South Africa from Austria and met up with Tony Morris, Bill Creed, Charles Fauville, Steve Caldis, Andre Kuyper and Pieter Stabl for drinks at the Alphen Hotel.
Peter Cannell (OG 1969) lives in Edgemead, Cape Town. Peter is a one-man business doing PABX, PA, Intercom and Access Control.
On 20 October 2010, he was up a ladder fitting ceiling speakers at Clicks Bayside, when he somehow fell, hitting his head on the shelving and floor.
The paramedics fought to subdue him and tranquillise him, before taking him to Milnerton Medi-Clinic.
He had a cracked skull with bleeding and swelling so they induced a coma to keep him calm as they drained the fluid and waited for the swelling to subside.
This lasted for 18 days before they woke him slowly.
He then went to a terrible rehab at Intercare in Tygervalley.
He is recovering slowly, but very well. He is mentally sharp, without any noticeable brain damage, but he is physically weak and will take a long time to build up his strength again.
Mark Lindhorst (1971) retired from being a Chartered Accountant to follow his lifelong passion of making Lindhorst Wines near Paarl.
Fabian Scheepers (OG 1992) and his wife relocated to George last year and are enjoying the country life. Based at the Garden Route Mall, Incredible Connection. Their anniversary is on 7th Jan [2006].
Sumaya Mall (OG 2000) has been awarded an Oppenheimer Scholarship to do research in London.
Jared Larkin (OG 2003) now has a BA (International Studies) Stellenbosch University.
Logan Standaar (OG 2007) has a BCom (Actuarial Science Stellenbosch University.
James Gowans (OG 2009) and Tim Spracklen (OG 2009) were awarded the prestigious Golden Key Award at UCT on 19th August. The Golden Key International Honor Society honors the top 15% of learners at UCT each year.
Tashkeen Gool (OG 2005) has been accepted to do a degree in Foundation Phase teaching through UNISA.
Butch Steyn (OG 1963) and his wife Maureen have retired to Cape Town as from July 2011. Butch graduated from UCT in Civil Engineering in 1968 and worked for the same organization from 1969 to 2011 in Africa and Middle East.
Noel Percival (OG 1969) and his brother Philip (OG19??) have been out here in South Africa on holiday from Australia.
Robert Hughes (OG 1969) now lives in New Zealand and his brother Stephen (OG??) now live in the UK.
Patrick Coyne (OG 1945) published again: Earlier this year Patrick published his latest book “A Guide to South African Mountain Passes and Poort’s”. It was reviewed in the Weekend Argus in April. In the book he mentions St George’s and Bishop Robert Gray.
The book is available at Clarke’s Bookshop, Long Street and Wordsworth Bookshop, Waterfront.
Dr Barry Smith (HOG 1964) is calling all Past and Present Cathedral Choir boys to join the facebook group.
Clem Lucas (OG 1955) lives in Harare, Zimbabwe and retired a few years ago after a long career in law (Magistrate, then an Attorney, Conveyance and Notary) and businessman.
Great to hear from Clem and good to hear he is still well.
Peter Hamp-Adams (OG 1965) - I am living in Knysna in an old family home which we returned to after spending 3 years in the UK. I have recommenced a fee only based financial advice practice which focuses on retirement and international planning for clients. My link to the school is my involvement with the Finance committee of the Board. I would encourage all OG's out there to add to the collective wisdom by asking where they can get involved - the School needs you!
Adrian Cross (OG 1969) now lives in London with his wife of 36years. He has 2 daughters and two granddaughters.
Chris Nilsen (OG 1968) now living in the USA (California), recently contacted us by writing a very insightful letter detailing his carrier and life over the past years.
Married in 1979 and blessed with a son in 1981. Chris now lives and works in 4 different countries.
Arne Bechmann (OG 196?) Visited his old school with his wife recently and reminisced as he was taken on a tour of the much changed grounds. Now living in Norway he plans to visit again in 2010.
Barry Bates (OG 1958) Visited Cap Town during 2007. He met up with many of his school mates and swopped live stories.
Barry currently lives with his wife on a small island south of Southampton known as the Isle of Wight. Barry is now retired.
Darroll Smith (OG 1942) Boarder at Bloemendal and was a contempory of Tommy Eygleton (OG 1945), Padda Rainsford (OG 1945), John Teek (OG 1945) and the 2 Reynolds Brothers (Peter (OG 1948); D (OG 1947). Now lives in Durban and recently made contact with the OGA giving us a short account of his life after SGGS. He also presented the school with his Springbok green blazer which he was awarded in 1975 when he managed the scuba team to England, Holland, Frace and Switzerland. He captained the team in 1977.
Barry Shean (OG 2002) an up and coming Georgian graduated with first class honors in Chemical Engineering at end of 2006 from UCT. He took up a position at Anglo Platinum. He is currently doing his MSc and probably PhD in Hydrometallurgical engineering. He is also involved in the hydrometallurgy technical department at the precious metal refinery, where they produce 40% of the world’s platinum.
We wish Barry all of the best in his chosen carrier and will be watching his with interest as he climes the corporate ladder.