Lauren Hess (OG 2012)

Lauren Hess (OG 2012) facilitated a Leadership Workshop with the Grade 11 class in 2015. Lauren was Head Student in 2012. She has completed a degree in Political Science, Philosophy and Economics and follwed this with an Honours degree in International Relations. She has actively pursued opportunities for personal development and was a Candidate Fellow with the Allan Gray Orbit Foundation, an alumna of the South Africa-Washington International Programme and a former Executive Committee Member of both the Golden Key International Honours Society and the United Nations Association of South Africa. She was also involved with the International Office and recently completed a 5-month semester abroad at the University of Georgia in Georgia, USA.
Lauren attended a month long Political Science summer school at Fudan University, China from 4 July to 4 August 2016. It was part of the BRICS initiative. Lauren has networked with Ministers and taken part in discussions on a new development bank. We are so proud of this wonderful young Georgian who takes opportunities and forges ahead. Well done!