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Thank you for coming and your support

Friday, 25 March evening was a small taste of times gone by as the High School hosted their Twilight Athletics after the events disruptions from the pandemic. The Old Georgian Union hosted over 70 OGs at the hospitality tent along side the track. Having so many alumni gather again at the school was a wonderful sight.

Thank you for all that attended and made this event a huge success.

At the end of the evening Tugman House took the event with 396 points, Shaw House with 334 and Pinchin House with 255. Well done Tugman House.

Well done to both the Old Georgian Union relay teams for coming 1st and 3rd respectfully.

Relay results

1st - 1st OGU

2nd - SGGS

3rd- 2nd OGU

4th - Staff

1st Relay Team

Ghalieb Alli (OG 2009T), Kyle Damonze (OG 2019T) Tugman House Capt, Jamie Johnson (OG 2019T) Deputy Head PLN, Harry Galvin (OG 2019T)

2nd Relay Team

Tachkeen (Gool) Soloman (OG 2005T), Michelle Basson (OG 2004S), Stuart McMillan (OG 2005P)

At the end of the event filled evening the Spirit Cup was handed over to the winning house with the most spirit for the day, this years willer was Pinchin House, congratulations.

A huge thank you to all those who donated and pledged so generally.

Your donation means a lot to us, not only as a gesture of support but, without contributions like yours, we simply could not afford to do the job to grow the Old Georgian Union.

The following have been added to the Bronze Benefactors list for 2022 for there contributions.

Nicholas Steels (OG 2015S)

Phillip Bornman (OG 2005S)

Keelan Nieuwstade (OG 2014P)

Storm Johnson (OG 2014T)

Stuart McMillan (OG 2005P)

To become a benefactor or donor, please contact the Old Georgian Union Office for additional information.

St George's Grammar School is registered in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, 1962.



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