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Staff News - Prof Michael Ashley - Chair of the Board of Governors 1987 to 1994

The Table Mountain Firestorm

Besides destroying many hallowed landmarks around Rhodes Memorial and UCT, the recent fire also cost Prof Michael Ashley and his wife Angela, both in their 80s, their home of 41 years. Situated in upper Rondebosch, it was gutted on the Sunday, less than an hour after they decided to evacuate. Their son, Justin, says his parents called him shortly before they fled their home with their two dogs, Percy and Candy, and went to their daughter, Sarah. Justin says his parents lost most of their possessions including their photo albums and his father, most of his academic books from the years when he was Professor in the Dept of Education at UCT.

St George's owes a great debt of gratitude to Prof Ashley : he joined the SGGS Board of Governors in 1985, was Chairman from 1987 to 1994 inclusive, and remained on the Board for a further year thereafter.

As Chairman therefore he was at the forefront of some of the most important and revolutionary changes in the long history of the school. In-depth planning in 1988 led to a multitude of innovations : the introduction of girls in both Prep and Senior schools ; the abolition of caning as a punishment ; the replacement of prefects by Matric committees ; weekly exposure to outside speakers in the Senior school ; a timetabled tutor system of not more than 12 pupils ; comprehensive public-speaking courses in the Senior school ; the introduction in the Prep of a very small remedial unit ; intensive life-skills courses ; emphasis on the social rather than the competitive aspects of games ; regular structured outdoor education ; integrated study weeks in the Prep school ; the purchase of the neighboring block of flats, King's Court as a possible future boarding-unit ; the introduction of a 'ten day teaching week' ; and possibly most important of all, a future multiracial policy whereby the acceptance of pupils, regardless of race, would depend solely on pupils' academic prowess and their ability to pay the fees.

Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the Ashleys.

Article by Mr P Cannon (Headmaster 1983 - 1997)



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