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Sean Peché (OG 1988T) on BizNewsTv on Netflix stock

Old Georgian, Sean Peché (OG 1988T), recently appered on the BizNewsTv show on YouTube discusing his views on Netflix stock. Sean is a regular contributor to BizNewsTv and other finance publications.

"In this instructive interview with BizNews editor Alec Hogg, a long-time Netflix fan, Ranmore Funds founder Sean Peche explains why he will NOT be following supposed bargain hunters into buying Netflix shares." BizNewsTv YouTube

Further interviews with Sean Peché on YouTube.

Sean Peche has more than 25 years of investment experience in developed and emerging markets. After qualifying as a chartered accountant in 1996, Sean spent two years at Old Mutual Asset Management as an equity analyst. In 1999, he joined Decillion Capital as one of its founding members and co-managed the successful BigRock fund, a South African-based hedge fund. In 2001, he moved to London with Decillion Fund Management and co-managed a US/European hedge fund. In 2003, he joined Orbis Investment Advisory as an equity analyst before leaving in 2008 to establish Ranmore Fund Management. Peche holds a business science degree from the University of Cape Town and is a CFA charterholder.

Extracts from "The Georgian Magazine" 1988 - pg 8

Article by Mr P Cannon (Headmaster 1983 - 1997)

"Sean Peché entered St George's halfway through 1978. His list of achievements at St George's is impressive indeed. He played for the 1st team at rugby, hockey and waterpolo, captained the 1st tennis team and the sailing team and was awarded swimming colours. He also enjoyed athletics. In his standard 6 year he was awarded a Gore Scholarship, tenable for the remainder of his career at St George's: his academic results and the effort he put into his work always justified this award. He regularly took part in the annual Eistedford and was secretary of the Interact Club at St George's . In his standard 9 year, he was Chairman of the Matric Dance Committee and he also gained the award of the best actor in dramatic productions that year.

As Head of the Boarding House, not only did he persuade those whom he led to take a tremendous pride in their achievements, but he spent a lot of time helping those who had problems and those who found difficulty integrating with others.

Although a firm believer in traditional values and standards, as Head of School he was an innovator and thinker-always exploring now and better methods of drawing the best out of individuals, and challenging groups to approach matters from a different standpoint.

All at St George's are indebted to him for his example and leadership."

In Seans final year at St George's he was house captain of Tugman House and was awarded the Parent's Association Trophy for Endeavour.

Tugman House Report "The Georgian Magazine" 1988 - pg 13

Article by Sean Peché

"Once again, Tugman can be proud to have been the dominant House in most spheres of school life. At the beginning of the year six new Standard 6's joined us and before long began making valuable contributions towards Bloemendal's success.

During the first term we successfully regained the Athletics Trophy and Standards from Pinchin due to the commitment from the whole House. Some excellent performances from D Abrahams, B Scott and J Clayton earned us valuable points.

Our total dominance in the swimming pool allowed us to win the Gala once again. Some exceptionally fine swimming by every swimmer saw us dominate most age groups and congratulations must go to B Scott, A Latimer,

S Peché and R Fabre on achieving Swimming Colours.

the second term, being an exam term, caused out concentration to be turned towards our studies and here too, some marked improvements occurred with us rapidly catching the other House for the contention of the De Root Trophy.

Cuan Dugmore arrived as Assistant Housemaster at Bleomendal during the third term and, in no time at all, became extremely popular with the boys. His commitment and contributions to the House, especially over weekends, has been greatly appreciated and we are certainly fortunate to have his company.

Our new Tugman vests arrived during the term and they also assisted in the building of our unity. Being Cross Country Term saw the need for some hard training and I was most pleased to see that this was undertaken, not with grievance, but with true spirit and enthusiasm and the was richly rewarded with us convincingly winning the Open and U15 sections. Unfortunately, we were unable to retain the Interpose Seven-a-Side Rugby Trophy in the open division.

Mrs Carr left us after three years of serving Bloemendal (in more ways than one!) and we are not grateful for all the care and commitment she, too, has shown during this time.

Mrs D'Hotman de Villiers replaced Mrs Carr in the last quarter and her variety and exceptionally good cooking was a welcome sight after a hard day's work and play.

The highlight of the term was, perhaps the Christmas Dinner and the incredible spirit and festivity which accompanied it made it a most notable one in Bloemendal's history.

The House Spirit has remained of a high standard during the year and the good camaraderie and friendship experienced by all members, along with the contribution and commitment of each individual, has made 1988 a year in Bloemendal's history to remember."

"Argus" April 1988

Bloemendal House, Christmas Party 1988

Bloemendal House, Christmas Party 1988



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