RIP Bruce Dennison (OG 1962 - Head Boy)
Bruce Dennison (OG 1962 - Head Boy) sadly passed away Monday, 13 April 2020 after a very short battle with brain cancer. Bruce was involved with SGGS for many years as a Board of Governors member to Chairing the Old Georgian Union Committee in the 1990s leading up to the 150-year celebrations in 1998.
He is fondly remembered by his fellow classmates as a great friend, amazing leader and captain of the 1st XV Rugby and 1st XI Cricket teams.

Former Headmaster (1983 - 1997) Paul Cannon remembers Bruce’s wonderful support for his old school for over many years.
Bruce Dennison had a very successful career in the health products and food supplement industry. Click here for a message from his colleges and the chairperson of the HPASA.
Our condolences to his wife Maryke and his son’s Robert and Andrew.