High School Twilight Athletics
Friday, 25 March 2022 @ 16:00
All OGs are welcome to be part of the annual High School Twilight Athletics. Come show your support and reminisce about your days of glory on the sports field. Oh, and maybe be part of the OG relay team against the school and staff.
Refreshments will be served in the OGU tent alongside the track.
The Old Georgian Union would appreciate your involvement with this event.
We are looking for your help and assistance in the following:
Set up of the OGU tent.
Sponsorship of drinks (soft drinks, water and juice)
Sponsorship of catering (eats, light snacks, etc.)
Sponsorship of décor (seating, furnishing, etc.)
Monetary donation towards the event.
This year we will have space available in the OGU tent for Old Georgians to advertise their business and service.
If you are able to assist in any of the areas or would like to be involved with setting up and running the OGU tent, please contact Stephen Bornman (OG 1999S) at the Old Georgian Union Office on sbornman@sggs.co.za or +27 72 1222 511.
All help in any form is greatly welcomed and appreciated.

Look forward to seeing many OGs at this upcoming event after being apart for so long.