Sha-abaan Slamang (OG 2016) [@sha_abaan] graduated in December 2019 with a BCom Logistics Management degree. He is currently pursuing a BCom Honours in Quantitative Management at Stellenbosch University. While doing his Honours, he is also a student assistant to Prof Jan Havenga (Logistics Department, Stellenbosch University).

During his time at Stellenbosch University, he was invited to join Golden Key honours society in 2017 (top 15% of his degree at the end of his first year as well as his second and third years). He also received a bursary from the Shoprite group to pursue his honours in 2020. Sha-abaan has become a member of the STEP research group ( ) this year because of the research he is conducting - Build a system dynamics simulation model to analyse the impact of education policy on the Western Cape high school education system - for information on underworking papers.
His plans for the future are to complete a Masters in Quantitative Management and to explore educational policy/system. Sha-abaan also has a job at Shoprite lined up for 2021.

Simba Chavunduka (OG 2011) [@simbachav] graduated in 2019 with a MBA, focusing on healthcare. He has recently started as a Technical Analyst for HCA Healthcare in Dallas, TX USA.