From the Archive 1995 - ARCHBISHOP TUTU'S ADDRESS
The Georgian Magazine 1995 pg 7-8 (70th edition

Once Archbishop Tutu had presented all the prizes, the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Professor Michael Savage, invited the Archbishop to address the parents and the pupils.
His Grace immediately posed the question of why should he spoil the moment of glory for the prize winners by making them listen to him. The Archbishop said he was privileged to visit the school on such an august occasion. He congratulated the school on its eminent history and traditions, saying they were something to be very proud of as they represented a real contribution to the life of our incredible country. He also admitted that he had not been up on stage too often to collect prizes when he was a scholar. In his address, which was interspersed with amusing anecdotes, His Grace spoke of an Omnipotent God creating everything. He said that God operated in an extraordinary way as he looked for human partners to do his work. Even today, God waits to perform his miracles but he waits for people to offer their services and then he performs the miracle; for example, he waited for Mandela and de Klerk before performing a miracle in South Africa.
He said these miracles do not have to be spectacular; everyone can stand up for somebody and show care and compassion. He related the story of the player of the triangle in the orchestra - even he had his moment of glory and it is an irreplaceable moment. If that contribution was not there, something vital would be lost. His Grace appealed to everyone to stand up for the right things if our country is to be truly beautiful.
Benjamin Haigh-Smith gave the Matric speech of thanks. He thanked the Archbishop for his kind and wise words. He went on to say that St George's was not just a school of continued study. It demands of its pupils a commitment, a fellowship and a caring philosophy. Each pupil is given a basis upon which he can base his own philosophy. Benjamin went on to refer to the strong bonds of comradeship which have developed in the class. In thanking the staff for everything they had done for the Matric pupils, Benjamin presented a plaque to the Headmaster from the class of 1995 The plaque contained the names of all the 1995 Matric class members and the new South African flag.