Extraordinary Women, Future Leaders
Sophy Gray Memorial Gathering - Thursday, 1 September 2022

#ExcelentWomen#FutureLeaders The Old Georgian Union celebrated Spring Day by have some of the amazing Old Girls share sometime with the Grade 10, 11 and 12 girls and future leaders. With wonderful shared moments from Lakita Scharnick @keets_on_toast (OG 2008P), Martene Remane @martene.remane (OG 2008P), Steffi Jones @steflin_jones (OG 2010S) and Shameena Hiebner @shameema_hiebner (OG 2014T), the students got to hear about our old girls experience and memories of school days and their journey to discover their career.
We are most greatly to all our donors, sponsors and supporters for helping with this years Sophy Gray Memorial Gathering. The out pouring of generously has been extremely moving and shows the ongoing commitment to supporting our young Georgians and uplifting our girls.