Look Back With Pride!

Look Back With Pride!
The Story of Gordon Road Girls' School Durban
By Patric Coyne (OG 1945)
In the words of the School Song, this book invites the past and present pupils, teachers, parents, and friends of a famous Durban school to walk down the corridors of its history and view them with justified satisfaction, self-esteem, and excitement. But the book is far more than that. It is also a nostalgia trip for anyone who has lived in Durban at any time during the last hundred years – for this is a celebration of the Centenary of Gordon Road Girls’ School, whose foundation year of 1912 coincided with the year of the first official use of Durban’s coat of arms – and each chapter begins with a look at the Durban of those days. No school is an island, and the history of GRGS is part of the history of Durban.
‘The book “Look Back with Pride!” is beautifully written, with wonderful school history, combined with information about our well remembered old Durban . This sets it above every other school history that I have read. The illustrations and in fact, the whole general presentation is something of which you may be justifiably proud.’ – Mary Hudson, Author