OG Sport 2019
Saturday, 7 September 2019 was the second round of OG Sports (Soccer and Squash matches) for 2019. With loads of enthusiasm, many Georgians joined in this much antisipated rematch for the soccer and squash teams. Both the school teams put on a spirited performance, not giving up against there older opponents.
Well done to both school teams and thank you for taking part, it is always great to see the Georgian spirt in action on the sports field.
A huge thank you to the class of 2005 for clubing together and purchasing a very generous voucher, for the Soccer Player of the Match, which was awarded to Jabulani De Vries.
After the match all players both SGGS and OGU enjoyed a braai in the John Teek Quad behind Bloemendal House to show off their war wounds.